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Fix some ACP style issues (Bug #45975 - Patch by leviatan21, Bug #16109 - Patch by prototech) Various XHTML mistakes in prosilver, subsilver2 and the ACP. Correctly show private message history (Bug #46065 - Patch by bantu) Show report button in prosilver for guests who are allowed to report posts. Correctly determine writable status of files on Windows operating system. Sorting by author or subject on viewtopic now preserves the order. session-cookies-$USER -k -m -E -p -np -R $PHPBB_URL/viewtopic.Allow whitespaces in avatar gallery names. # loop thru topics see below(but above should get most with the options. session-cookies-$USER -k -m -E -p -np -R memberlist.php*,faq.php*,viewtopic.php*p=*,posting.php*,search.php*,ucp.php*,viewonline.php*,*sid*,*view=print*,*start=0* $PHPBB_URL/viewtopic.php?t=27704 $PHPBB_URL/ucp.php?mode=login -referer="$PHPBB_URL/ucp.php?mode=login" \ post-data="username=$USER&password=$PASS&redirect=index.php&sid=$SID&login=Login" \ Wget -save-cookies=./session-cookies-$USER \ session-cookies-$USER | grep _sid | cut -d$'\011' -f7`Įcho "Login $USER -> $PHPBB_URL SID=$SID" Wget -save-cookies=./session-cookies-$USER $PHPBB_URL/ucp.php?mode=login -O - 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null This project looks promising but didn't quite work for me: Here some added info to lots of noise but a start if you need to login. So this is going to burn a lot of time and bandwidth. In particular memberlist.php and viewtopic.php where p= is specified can create thousands of files!ĭue to this bug in wget it will still download an astounding number of those useless files - esepcially viewtopic.php?p= ones - before simply deleting them. I have also excluded some other pages that lead to a lot of cruft being saved. (Perhaps there's a way to force the recursive wget to start from index.php - I don't know). Except for one squirreled away somewhere - which links to a plain index.php which then continues with no sid= parameter.

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They seem to get added automatically by the index page, and then get attached to all the links in a virus-like fashion. I wanted to strip out those pesky session id things (sid=blahblahblah). Here's the command I'm using: wget -k -m -E -p -np -R memberlist.php*,faq.php*,viewtopic.php*p=*,posting.php*,search.php*,ucp.php*,viewonline.php*,*sid*,*view=print*,*start=0* -o log.txt

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